Losing Weight Is Like Taking a Journey

If you are getting ready to jump ship, and go on a cruise, hit the beach, or find a great break in a warm spot, you know the process you are going through!  It is a matter of finding the deals online, working with a travel agent, and then figuring out what dates will work for your work and your family.

Whew!  Did I really want to go on vacation?  Sometimes all the details, like getting someone to watch the dog, turn the paper off, get someone to water the plants, take care of all the projects and meetings at work, interview that new person before they take another job, and find your passport, is just too much!

But, once you are there, and the hand you are holding is that of your loved one, and you can feel the breeze on your face, and enjoy….you wonder why you waited.  What was the hassle?  What was the hold-up?  Why did I wait?

The beach is so enjoyable, the sun so warm, and you are really enjoying that cold drink and the lapping water at your feet.  Who cares about what time it is, and where you should be, this is living!

So, here you are.  Sitting at your desk, reading my post, wondering what this has to do with food and your diet.  Everything!  Your process to the day when you are thin, is like the day at the beach.  You will wonder, why did I wait so long?  It is amazing to be so happy, feel so good, feel great each and every day!  You are really happy, and you can not remember all the steps that led you there.  That is human nature, and it really takes time to get to a place of success.  Your steps there, are painful.  You will want to stop, but do not lose sight of the positive gains you will have once you get there.

Early on, when you eat healthier, you miss the crap food.  You may have had a love affair with something like donuts.  Once you give them up, and you must give them up, you will really be amazed at how sad you will feel.  It is a step that takes some emotional detachment.  You will just have to move on.  Do not let your emotions rule your actions.  Take control, and do not feel deprived.  Your success ahead, at feeling thin, and being happy is so much more than a donut.

It is your self respect, your new life ahead that you should be envisioning.  Your steps to get there are going to be hard.  No doubt about it.

Do not drill yourself backward with simple excuses, bad food choices, and past indiscretions.  You can find yourself on the beach!  It is only a matter of time, and dedication.

Now, go get that bikini, that motorcyle brochure, or some great new motivators that will drive you to the beach.  It is important that you keep the end goal in mind, because, you need it to lead you forward.  No excuses will get you there, only persistence and dedication to your diet.

About Cheryl Hanson

A innovator, project manager, writer, web designer, web integrator, and administrator for your next solution. Be sure to leave a comment to find a great way to find your new lifestyle!
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