If you have been told to limit your sodium intake, it is for good reason. Our low fat food industry has taken the good food they freeze, preserve, or dehydrate, and load it with sodium, so that you can not have any good nutrition from that food.
Your Liver Needs to Remove Sodium
If you are constantly eating lots of sodium, or salt, it can be at the determent of your health. You need to ensure that you bring some good life style changes forward, and do not use sodium laced food. It is really hard for your liver to keep up with removing all of the sodium and the fat, and you will not lose weight on this kind of diet.
Effects of Low Sodium Diets
The minute you remove salt or sodium from your diet, you are going to notice you feel less anxious, and less apt to be confused or easily mentally challenged. This is because sodium has some general chemical reactions with our nerve cells, and the way they communicate with each other. The neuro transmitters in our brain, depend on a sodium element being present for some parts of our brain development and activity, but too much sodium can be a bad thing.
As well, you will notice that you have less inflammation in your body, as your body will not hold onto water, to try and deal with all of the sodium that is being stored in your fat cells. It does take time, but removing chemically laden sodium, like common table salt is a really good thing.
There are some anti-caking elements in the table salt, and the kinds of salt and sodium that is used in food production. Real salt clumps together, and is not free flowing like natural salt. If you want to ensure a healthy lifestyle, stay away from the white tiny grains on any table shaker.
Gray Celtic Salt
There is one kind of salt that is good for you to use for seasoning, and it is not white, but gray in color. It uses no anti-caking chemicals to load your liver with processing and removal work, but, does offer some of the good benefits that you need naturally in sodium.
It is free of chemicals, and it will be a great addition to your cooking. If you are eating one ingredient items, it is a great way to season your food, and ensure it will not ruin your new weight loss efforts. We all need salt to live, just not the levels that we have been seeing recently, or the kind of salt that flows.